The Biggest Marketplace to Sell & Buy Cancelled Wedding Plans,
Events & Honeymoons in Canada
We are the leading Canadian website and service for couples in Canada who had to cancel their wedding or honeymoon and would like to recoup some of their financial loss.
Flexible couples in Canada wanting to save money can buy such a cancelled wedding at discounted price! It’s a great deal for everyone! Register your free Matchmaking profile to get best matching deals on cancelled weddings in Canada and vendord last minute discounts on wedding venues, photographers and entertainers in Canada. |
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Advertise your last minute listing on at a discount to reach thousands of registered users and book your last minute availability!
See a Sample of What Our Clientele from Canada is Looking For
"I am looking for a wedding located in Sudbury Ontario, Ottawa Ontario or Toronto Ontario for 80 - 200 guests. I would also consider a destination wedding from 2 to 20 people. We are very flexible" "I am assisting my sister with planning her last minute wedding. I am just inquiring to see if there is any possibility of availability for a group of about 50 people for a simple wedding July 20th? If you could please get back to me that would be greatly appreciated." "I would love something near the ocean or with some type of water feature in sight." |
"Looking for a venue in Ottawa for reception only. Ceremony is taking place at a separate time. Bride is from the states, groom is from Canada. We expect 100 guests." "Myself and my fiance are on a tight budget but would still like to enjoy our big day as much as possible and have the wedding we want so thought this sort of thing may work for us. We would consider having it abroad with a smaller number of people if the deal is good enough." "We would love to have the wedding at the beach, and reception on a private area." |
Expand our "Canceled Wedding" Team in Canada!
The is the world leader in cancelled weddings, honeymoons and events brokerage. With our global yet well targeted span we have the best statistical chance to successfully match seller and buyer including those fond of destination weddings. We think global and play local!
We're looking for local partners in Canada to provide local service. If you like this idea and feel qualified, please get in touch with us.
We're looking for local partners in Canada to provide local service. If you like this idea and feel qualified, please get in touch with us.
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(c) 2013 - 2021 - TRACTIMO